Meet Global ESCo
Message from the CEO
"We are leading the quest to change the world as your trusted sustainability partner creating valued, single-sourced, efficient energy solutions delivered with passion, expertise, teamwork and a relentless focus on customer satisfaction.
We provide Energy Efficient & Sustainable Solutions for Global Challenges for the Private and Public sectors.
We follow the rules of Circular Economy, the policies and strategies from the UN and the EU, such as the Millennium Development Goals, the Circular Economy Action Plan or the Fork to Table Strategy etc. They provide the tools to tackle climate change and Sustainability, to address important social needs, jobs, and resilience while cutting greenhouse gas emissions, waste, and pollution.
We support the Zero Waste Cities initiative and approach i.e. a continuous effort to phase out waste – not by burning or landfilling it. We use technological solutions to clean the environment, do not generate waste at source, and make the most out of reusage of materials lowering greenhouse emissions. A circular economy decouples economic activity from the consumption of finite resources. It is a resilient system that is good for business, people and the environment."

Founder & CEO



BD & Project Manager

The Esco Model
With ESCO Energy Saving Performance Contracts our customers can leverage green, scalable, cost-effective and easy to deploy integrated solutions & technologies in order to increase energy efficiency, make lighting and power systems safe and reliable, introduce automation, cut emissions, and improve energy efficiency.
The savings in energy costs are used to pay back the capital investment.
In today's rapidly changing and highly competitive business climate, retail establishments, supermarkets, office buildings and other commercial enterprises are often faced with the challenge of sustaining business growth with limited capital resources for facility efficiency and infrastructure improvements.
GLOBAL ESCO helps businesses improve their bottom line by optimizing the facility's efficiency, reducing operating costs and guaranteeing the results. We focus on lowering your operating cost through performance contracting, so you can focus on exceeding customer expectations, improving your bottom line, increasing profits and increasing shareholder value.
An Energy Performance Contract (EPC) with an ESCO enables implementation of a comprehensive energy efficiency investment project which can make significant improvements in the operating costs of a building or facility. Such Energy Performance Contracts are long term agreements where the ESCO makes the investment or secures the investment and may source the finance, with the customer benefitting from upgraded buildings, facilities or equipment. The ESCO's remuneration is directly tied to the savings achieved.
The cost of initial investment and ongoing management is paid back from the savings over the term of the contract, and if the savings fall short, the ESCO covers the shortfall. In some cases the ESCO may also be an Energy Supply Company, resulting in a single Energy Services/Supply Contract [mostly Western German speaking Europe].
A building owner signs, say, a 5-year EPC with an ESCO. A third party lends the owner or ESCO the money to pay for the investment. The owner pays back the project costs out of some or all of the proven energy savings, for up to 5 years. Thereafter, the owner receives all the benefits from lower energy consumption, systems optimization and costs, indefinitely.
The EPC development process
When engaging and procuring an ESCO, there are four basic steps to the Energy Performance Contract development process, shown here. This starts with a preliminary audit to identify energy efficiency options and potential savings; it is followed by a detailed analysis of savings, generally undertaken by the ESCO; next a contract is agreed and the energy efficiency projects are implemented; and finally, the contract enters a guarantee phase when energy savings are measured and verified.
Ideally the annual value of the EPC contract is lower that the annual estimated savings. In that case the annual cost of the EPC contract resides within the current balance sheet of the customer as it subsides a part of the expenses in types of fuels [electricity, gas, oil, water etc.]. If the ESCO is providing the financial part of the EPC contract then in real life the customer optimizes its infrastructure significantly, lower cost of maintenance and support, lower the cost bottom line, i.e. becomes more competitive without any CAPEX cash out.

We perform
· an in-depth analysis of our Customer's energy sources, premises
· create a energy consumption profile
· we design energy efficient solutions and
· suggest custom made improvements.
We are aiming at providing you with services that will help you optimize operations, reduce costs, save resources and cut CO2 emissions.
The following schematic presents our approach to energy projects step by step.
We believe that the first step when trying to manage something is to measure it, so we conduct a detailed audit where we measure all available quantitative data that will feed into a sophisticated infrastructure and operational modeling system.
The Energy Efficiency audit is the most important and efficient instrument for the evaluation of an establishment. Energy audits are divided in several phases. Every phase needs to be concluded before the beginning of the next, in order to achieve the maximum result and avoid any possible "bottlenecks" during the procedure. We perform each audit based on the IPMVP standards and international best practices [in relation to addressed technologies].
Technological Areas that are addressed
· Power Quality
· HVAC [Cooling and Heating Systems]
· Lighting
· Energy Monitoring and Management
· Insulation and Building envelope
· Water Management
· Use of Renewables in Energy Production
· Detailed energy assessment of your premises.
· Evaluation Report of installed infrastructure and equipment, including current maintenance needs and associated costs.
· Energy Efficiency Suggestions report. A detailed analysis of all the suggested solutions.
· Analysis Matrix, based on the structural breakdown of the infrastructure.
· An Energy & Water Management Solution
· A sustainable Energy production proposal making use of Renewable, Environmentally friendly and Energy Efficient Technologies.
· A complete Water management solution with details in advancing the water quality, fixing existing problems and solutions that can lower the water consumption.
Each solution will be also quantified, and a budgetary quotation will be included with two options, the first to be a buy and install proposal and the second an ESCO ESPC Proposal.

We work with our customers to optimize, upgrade and maintain infrastructure, energy related or not, to reduce operating expenses, balance energy costs, improve infrastructure efficiency and increase energy reliability.